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SOA & MSA for Enterprise, Cloud, Big Data and Mobile – Book Published!


Finally, after 2-1/2 years of starting work on the third edition of my book, it is done and now available in both print form in retail stores and as e-book on Amazon (Kindle edition) with the title “SOA & MSA for Enterprise, Cloud, Big Data and Mobile”. (The Foreword was provided by my Professor, Dr. T.V. Prabhakar, from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India).

In this edition of the book, I have tried to do something different. I have released an app, APIary, in both Apple App Store and Google Play Store to illustrate the concepts of service-oriented model with front-end mobile apps and back-end microservices services exposed on Google Cloud. Any reader of the book can post questions to me through the app for me to provide answers. This way, I have tried to create an interactive model with the readers of my book and provide updates from time to time (rather than just provide a “static version” where the reader has no clear channel to communicate with the author). Since the earlier edition of the book is a reference text book in several engineering colleges in India, keeping students in mind I have also shared the source code of the APIary App, through a link to Wiley site. They can download and use it as a “Hello World” app for building cloud services based mobile apps. (I wrote a Forbes article on this approach)

Please find below link for the book on Amazon India with Look Inside feature. See the picture of the cover of the book on the right.

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